Source code for tdm_loader.tdm_loader

"""This module allows National Instruments TDM/TDX files to be accessed like
NumPy structured arrays.

To install the newest version use::

    pip install tdm-loader

Sample usage::

    import tdm_loader
    data_file = tdm_loader.OpenFile('filename.tdm')

Access a channel by channel group and channel index combination::, channel)

Get a dict of all channels in a channel group:


Search for a column name.  A list of all column names that contain
``search_term`` and their indices will be returned::

import os
import zipfile
import re

from xml.etree import ElementTree
import warnings

import numpy as np

__all__ = ("OpenFile",)

# XML "QName" in the TDM file
# there has to be an easy way to determine this programmatically
QNAME = "{}"

# dictionary for converting from NI to NumPy datatypes
    "eInt8Usi": "i1",
    "eInt16Usi": "i2",
    "eInt32Usi": "i4",
    "eInt64Usi": "i8",
    "eUInt8Usi": "u1",
    "eUInt16Usi": "u2",
    "eUInt32Usi": "u4",
    "eUInt64Usi": "u8",
    "eFloat32Usi": "f4",
    "eFloat64Usi": "f8",
    "eStringUsi": "U",

[docs]class OpenFile: """Class for opening a National Instruments TDM/TDX file. Parameters ---------- tdm_path : str The full path to the .TDM file. tdx_path : str, Optional The full path to the .TDX file. If not present, it will be assumed the TDX file is located in the same directory as the .TDM file, and the filename specified in the .TDM file will be used. """ def __init__(self, tdm_path, tdx_path="", encoding="utf-8"): self._folder, self._tdm_filename = os.path.split(tdm_path) if zipfile.is_zipfile(tdm_path): with zipfile.ZipFile(tdm_path) as zipf: if len(zipf.namelist()) == 0: raise zipfile.BadZipFile( f"The compressed file {tdm_path} does not contain any readable files." ) with[0]) as file: self._root = ElementTree.parse(file).getroot() else: with open(tdm_path, "r", encoding=encoding) as file: self._root = ElementTree.parse(file).getroot() self._namespace = {"usi": self._root.tag.split("}")[0].strip("{")} self._xml_tdm_root = self._root.find(".//tdm_root") self._xml_chgs = list( map( lambda usi: self._root.find(f".//tdm_channelgroup[@id='{usi}']"), re.findall( r'id\("(.+?)"\)', self._xml_tdm_root.findtext("channelgroups") ), ) ) byte_order = self._root.find(".//file").get("byteOrder") if byte_order == "littleEndian": self._endian = "<" elif byte_order == "bigEndian": self._endian = ">" else: raise TypeError("Unknown endian format in TDM file") self._tdx_order = "C" # Set binary file reading to column-major style if tdx_path == "": self._tdx_path = os.path.join( self._folder, self._root.find(".//file").get("url") ) else: self._tdx_path = tdx_path def _channel_xml(self, channel_group, channel, occurrence=0, ch_occurrence=0): chs = self._channels_xml(channel_group, occurrence) if isinstance(channel, int): if len(chs) <= channel or channel < -len(chs): raise IndexError(f"Channel {channel} out of range") ch = chs[channel] elif isinstance(channel, str): chns = list(filter(lambda x: x.findtext("name") == channel, chs)) if len(chns) < ch_occurrence: raise IndexError( f"Channel {channel} (occurrence {ch_occurrence}) not found" ) ch = chns[ch_occurrence] else: raise TypeError("The given channel parameter type is unsupported") return ch def _channels_xml(self, channel_group, occurrence=0): if isinstance(channel_group, int): if len(self._xml_chgs) <= channel_group or channel_group < -len( self._xml_chgs ): raise IndexError(f"Channel group {channel_group} out of range") chg = self._xml_chgs[channel_group] elif isinstance(channel_group, str): chgns = list( filter(lambda x: x.findtext("name") == channel_group, self._xml_chgs) ) if len(chgns) <= occurrence: raise IndexError( f"Channel group {channel_group} (occurrence {occurrence}) not found" ) chg = chgns[occurrence] else: raise TypeError("The given channel group parameter type is unsupported") chs = list( map( lambda usi: self._root.find(f".//tdm_channel[@id='{usi}']"), OpenFile._get_usi_from_txt(chg.findtext("channels")), ) ) return chs @staticmethod def _get_usi_from_txt(txt): if txt is None or txt.strip() == "": return [] return re.findall(r'id\("(.+?)"\)', txt)
[docs] def channel(self, channel_group, channel, occurrence=0, ch_occurrence=0): """Returns a data channel by its channel group and channel index. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int or str The index or name of the channel group. channel : int or str The index or name of the channel inside the group. occurrence : int, Optional Gives the nth occurrence of the channel group name. By default the first occurrence is returned. This parameter is only used when channel_group is given as a string. ch_occurrence : int, Optional Gives the nth occurrence of the channel name. By default the first occurrence is returned. This parameter is only used when channel_group is given as a string. """ ch = self._channel_xml(channel_group, channel, occurrence, ch_occurrence) lc_usi = self._get_usi_from_txt(ch.findtext("local_columns"))[0] lc = self._root.find(f".//localcolumn[@id='{lc_usi}']") data_usi = self._get_usi_from_txt(lc.findtext("values"))[0] inc = ( self._root.find(f".//*[@id='{data_usi}']").find("values").attrib["external"] ) ext_attribs = self._root.find(f".//file/block[@id='{inc}']").attrib seqrep = lc.findtext("sequence_representation") glfl = int(lc.findtext("global_flag")) subm_usi = self._get_usi_from_txt(lc.findtext("submatrix"))[0] subm = self._root.find(f".//submatrix[@id='{subm_usi}']") nrows = int(subm.findtext("number_of_rows")) valueType = ext_attribs["valueType"] if valueType == "eTimeUsi": endian = self._endian dtype = np.dtype([("big", endian + "u8"), ("li", endian + "i8")]) else: dtype = np.dtype(self._endian + DTYPE_CONVERTERS[valueType]) data_block = np.memmap( self._tdx_path, offset=int(ext_attribs["byteOffset"]), shape=(int(ext_attribs["length"]),), dtype=dtype, mode="r", order=self._tdx_order, ).view(np.recarray) flags = lc.findall("flags") if len(flags): flags_inc = flags[0].attrib["external"] flags_attribs = self._root.find(f".//file/block[@id='{flags_inc}']").attrib flags_block = np.memmap( self._tdx_path, offset=int(flags_attribs["byteOffset"]), shape=(int(flags_attribs["length"]),), dtype=np.dtype( self._endian + DTYPE_CONVERTERS[flags_attribs["valueType"]] ), mode="r", order=self._tdx_order, ).view(np.recarray) nnans = np.where(flags_block == 0)[0].shape[0] else: nnans = 0 flags_block = glfl * np.ones((nrows,), int) if seqrep == "explicit": if valueType == "eTimeUsi": epoch_difference_seconds = -2082844800 s = (data_block.field(1) + epoch_difference_seconds).astype("datetime64[s]") ns = (data_block.field(0) * 2**(-64) * 1e18).astype("timedelta64[as]").astype("timedelta64[ns]") column = s + ns else: column = np.array(data_block, float) if nnans: column[np.where(flags_block == 0)] = np.nan elif seqrep == "implicit_linear": # for time channels. contins two float values # for building time scale (constant step width) offset = data_block[0] column = np.array(range(0, nrows)) * data_block[-1] + offset elif seqrep == "raw_linear": # mapped to proprtional integer scale. needs to be re-scaled to actual values offset, slope = np.asarray( lc.findtext("generation_parameters").split(), float ) column = slope * np.array(data_block) + offset if nnans: column[np.where(flags_block == 0)] = np.nan return column
[docs] def channel_dict(self, channel_group, occurrence=0): """Returns a dict representation of a channel group. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int or str The index or name of the channel group. occurrence : int Gives the nth occurrence of the channel group name. By default the first occurrence is returned. This parameter is only used when channel_group is given as a string.""" if not isinstance(channel_group, (int, str)): raise ValueError("channel_group must be an integer or a string") if isinstance(channel_group, int): channel_dict = {} name_doublets = set() for i in range(self.no_channels(channel_group)): name = self.channel_name(channel_group, i) ch =, i) if name in channel_dict: name_doublets.add(name) channel_dict[name] = np.array(ch) if len(name_doublets) > 0: warnings.warn(f"Duplicate channel name(s): {name_doublets}") return channel_dict chg_ind = self.channel_group_index(channel_group, occurrence) return self.channel_dict(chg_ind)
[docs] def channel_name(self, channel_group, channel, occurrence=0): """Returns the name of the channel at given channel group and channel indices. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int or str The index of the channel group. channel : int The index or name of the channel inside the group. occurrence : int The nth occurrence of the channel_group name """ ch = self._channel_xml(channel_group, channel, occurrence=occurrence) return ch.findtext("name")
[docs] def channel_unit(self, channel_group, channel, occurrence=0, ch_occurrence=0): """Returns the unit of the channel at given channel group and channel indices. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int The index of the channel group. channel : int or str The index or name of the channel inside the group. occurrence : int The nth occurrence of the channel group name ch_occurrence : int The nth occurrence of the channel name """ ch = self._channel_xml(channel_group, channel, occurrence, ch_occurrence) return ch.findtext("unit_string")
[docs] def channel_description( self, channel_group, channel, occurrence=0, ch_occurrence=0 ): """Returns the description of the channel at given channel group and channel indices. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int or str The index of the channel group. channel : int or str The index or name of the channel inside the group. occurrence : int The nth occurrence of the channel group name ch_occurrence : int The nth occurrence of the channel name """ ch = self._channel_xml(channel_group, channel, occurrence, ch_occurrence) return ch.findtext("description")
[docs] def channel_group_name(self, channel_group): """Returns the name of the channel group at the channel group index. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int The index of the channel group. """ if not isinstance(channel_group, int): raise TypeError("Only integer values allowed.") try: return [chg.findtext("name") for chg in self._xml_chgs][channel_group] except IndexError as err: raise IndexError(f"Channelgroup {channel_group} out of range") from err
[docs] def channel_group_index(self, channel_group_name, occurrence=0): """Returns the index of a channel group with the given name. Parameters ---------- channel_group_name : str The name of the channel group. occurrence : int, Optional Gives the nth occurrence of the channel group name. By default the first occurrence is returned. """ if not isinstance(channel_group_name, str): raise TypeError("Only str is accepted as input channel_group_name.") list_len = -1 try: chgn = [ i for i, chg in enumerate(self._xml_chgs) if chg.findtext("name") == channel_group_name ] list_len = len(chgn) return chgn[occurrence] except IndexError as err: if list_len == 0: raise ValueError( f"Channel group name {channel_group_name} does not exist" ) from err raise IndexError( f"The channel group name {channel_group_name} " f"does only occur {str(list_len)} time(s)" ) from err
[docs] def no_channel_groups(self): """Returns the total number of channel groups.""" return len(self._xml_chgs)
[docs] def no_channels(self, channel_group): """Returns the total number of channels inside the given channel group. Parameters ---------- channel_group : int The index of the channel group. """ if isinstance(channel_group, str): return len( OpenFile._get_usi_from_txt( list( filter( lambda x: x.findtext("name") == channel_group, self._xml_chgs, ) )[0].findtext("channels") ) ) elif isinstance(channel_group, int): if len(self._xml_chgs) <= channel_group or channel_group < -len( self._xml_chgs ): raise IndexError(f"Channel group {channel_group} out of range") return len( OpenFile._get_usi_from_txt( self._xml_chgs[channel_group].findtext("channels") ) ) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported channel_group type")
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, tuple): if len(key) != 2: raise IndexError(key) channel_group, channel = key if (isinstance(channel_group, str) or isinstance(channel_group, int)) and ( isinstance(channel, str) or isinstance(channel, int) ): return, channel) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported parameter type.") elif isinstance(key, int) or isinstance(key, str): return self[0, key] # Use channel_group 0 else: raise TypeError("Unsupported parameter type.") def __len__(self): return self.no_channel_groups() def __repr__(self): return "".join( [ "NI TDM-TDX file\n", "TDM Path: ", os.path.join(self._folder, self._tdm_filename), "\nTDX Path: ", self._tdx_path, "\n", "Number of Channelgroups: ", str(self.no_channel_groups()), "\n", "Channel Length: ", str(len(self)), ] )